Felix Mottl

Felix Mottl was born on 24 August in Unter-St. Veit near Vienna. He studied harmony and counterpoint at the Vienna Conservatory with Anton Bruckner, among others, before founding the Academic Wagner Society and working as a répétiteur at the Vienna Opera. In 1876, he worked as a copyist and assistant at the first Bayreuth Festival, where he conducted over 70 performances between 1886 and 1906. After working as General Music Director of the Philharmonic Society in Karlsruhe and as a guest conductor in Paris, Brussels, London and New York, he came to Munich in 1904 as Court Kapellmeister. In 1907, he was appointed director of the Munich Court Opera, where he worked until his death. Felix Mottl died as a result of a heart attack suffered on 21 June 1911 during a performance of Tristan in Munich. The corresponding passage in the second act is recorded in the performance material of the Bayerisches Staatsorchester and is a reminder of the tragic event at every performance to this day.

Photo credit: By J. Hartmann, Bayreuth – http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/60/089-60.jpg, Public domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46867254