Meet the Musicians

Franz Strauss (1822-1905) was not only the father of the composer Richard Strauss, but also one of the most renowned horn players of his time, who worked in the Royal Bavarian Court Orchestra, today’s Bavarian State Orchestra, and had a significant influence on its sound. The two horn players Milena Viotti and Johannes Dengler provide insights into the special features of the instrument once played by Franz Strauss.

Bruno Walters Neujahrswünsche


Photo creddits: Archiv der Musikalischen Akademie

Bruno Walter about the Musical Academy

Photo Credit: Archiv der Musikalischen Akademie


Service list for the annual court concert on January 1, 1863, with soloist Franz Strauss

Photo Credits: Archiv der Musikalischen Akademie


Neujahrswünsche von Hans Knappertsbusch

Photo creddit: Archiv der Musikalischen Akademie

